The plant room of any commercial or industrial building houses all its essential equipment. There’s no ventilation, water, air conditioning, or electrics if there’s a plant room disaster! And they’re just the most common systems, there can be all sorts of specialised equipment in there.
People might call this their boiler room, or mechanical room, and there may be more than one on a large site. But its importance remains the same. Safety is paramount in the care of any plant room. Its equipment isn’t just vital to keep the building running, it can be extremely dangerous if it falls into disrepair.
Prevention really is better than cure – especially when it comes to cost-efficient property maintenance. A PPM
strategy starts with an assessment of your assets and an evaluation of what type of planned maintenance will keep
them in their best health.
Prevention really is better than cure – especially when it comes to cost-efficient property maintenance. A PPM
strategy starts with an assessment of your assets and an evaluation of what type of planned maintenance will keep
them in their best health.
For example:
Why use an AAM PPM strategy?
It’s designed for you – and it’s not set in stone. We will advise which services you will require based on a site
visit and you can choose to proceed or amend with caution.
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